

Date of birth:  24.3. 1987

You never lose, you either win or you learn” is the winning mindset of this skilled canoeist. His drive, determination, and love for wild waters drove him to incredible success in the world of slalom canoe.

 His nickname in the world of canoe slalom, “poet on wild waters” best describes his ability to understand the wild waters.

Benjamin entered the list of the greatest canoeing stars in slalom on wild water, by winning the Olympics in Tokyo 2021 and thus became the fourth canoeist in the world, to aquire titles of World, European and Olympic champion.

In 2022, he further solidified his place in the world of canoe slalom, as he claimed the winning podium at Lipovtsky Mikulaš,  for the fourth time winning the title of European Champion, following wins in 2015, 2019, and 2020. Following his victory in Pau in 2017, this year, he has once again claimed the title of World Champion, this time in London (2023).

Date of birth:  24.3. 1987

“You never lose, you either win or you learn” is the winning mindset of this skilled canoeist. His drive, determination, and love for wild waters drove him to incredible success in the world of slalom canoe.

 His nickname in the world of canoe slalom, “poet on wild waters” best describes his ability to understand the wild waters.

Benjamin entered the list of the greatest canoeing stars in slalom on wild water, by winning the Olympics in Tokyo 2021 and thus became the fourth canoeist in the world, to aquire titles of World, European and Olympic champion.

In 2022, he further solidified his place in the world of canoe slalom, as he claimed the winning podium at Lipovtsky Mikulaš,  for the fourth time winning the title of European Champion, following wins in 2015, 2019, and 2020. Following his victory in Pau in 2017, this year, he has once again claimed the title of World Champion, this time in London (2023).


Olympics Tokyo 2020
1st place

World Champion Pau 2017
1st place

4x European Champion
2015, 2019, 2020, 2022

4x World Cup Total 2009, 2016, 2017, 2021
2nd place

Olympics Tokyo 2020
1st place

World Champion Pau 2017
1st place

4x European Champion
2015, 2019, 2020, 2022

4x World Cup Total 2009, 2016, 2017, 2021
2nd place


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